This is what you can make happen with a grant of $1,000 to $10,000:
A grant of $1,000 could provide:
60 kids with new school supplies,
11 kids with dental exam/cleaning,
7 kids with eye exam/new glasses, or
6 kids with new clothes/shoes
A grant of $2,500 could provide:
12 kids with a laptop computer,
50 hours of group tutoring, or
33 students with 6 weeks of group grief counseling
A grant of $5,000 could provide:
8 children with genetic testing to guide medical treatment,
5 children with six weeks/each Equine Assisted Therapy, or
166 students with a one-month RTC bus pass
A grant of $10,000 could provide:
50 laptop computers,
Send 23 kids to 4H camp,
200 hours of private tutoring, or
117 kids with dental exam/cleaning