Ms. Tate has been a real estate agent in Northern Nevada for over 15 years. She has served on the Board of Directors of the Reno/Sparks Association of Realtors and…
Mr. Ponzo is a master guitar player and teacher who has obtained a Master’s Degree in Music Theory, Orchestration and Guitar Performance. He has traveled the world performing, and has…
Dr. Nielsen is a clinical psychologist in private practice in Reno. He received his doctorate in 1979 from the University of Nevada, Reno. He specialized in the treatment of children,…
Stevie is a 12 year old boy who is severely mentally retarded, blind, has restrictive lung disease, is fed with a G-tube and is wheelchair bound. His foster mother asked…
Gracie is a 2 1/2 year old child suffering from an undiagnosed neurological disease. Her family has asked for help with a $9,000.00 physical and occupational therapy program in California.…
Brenden is a nine year old boy who has Marfan’s syndrome. He needs an orthodontic device to help relieve the overcrowding of his teeth. Although the family has insurance, dental…
Randy is a three year old boy suffering from juvenile xanthogranuloma, a cancer-like disease that attacks different areas of the body. In Randy’s case, his airway was affected. The disease…
Tracey is a 16 year old cancer survivor who requires extensive dental work and orthodontia. She started cancer treatment at two years of age and those treatments have had serious…
Maria is a 10 year old girl who would like to participate in the Kids’ University program at UNR this summer. Unfortunately, her family does not have the funds to…
Lila is a two year old baby diagnosed with hypotonia and possible cerebral palsy. She is developmentally delayed and still has not started walking. Mom has requested assistance with leg…