The Foundation began in 2003 as the charitable arm of Kids Behavioral Health (KBH), a corporation providing residential and day treatment programs for troubled youth. Dr. Earl Nielsen, our Founder, was then on the board of KBH. He and Bill Vickers, our initial benefactor, realized that, while they were helping some children, there were many more unable to take advantage of the services KBH had to offer. Indeed, these children did not have the means to meet any of their critical needs. With this realization, For Kids Foundation was born.
Mr. Vickers provided the start-up funding and paid expenses for the first 18 months. Since then, the Foundation has been independent, funded by grants from private foundations and individual donors.
For many of our children, the outcome is immediate: a new bed when they have been sleeping on the floor; lessons that include dance, music or gymnastics to build self-worth which heals emotional wounds; a laptop that allows a student to keep up with school so they can graduate and not fall farther behind; going to the dentist for the first time because they’re in pain; or being able to play sports because we paid the fees on their behalf so they can enjoy at least one positive experience in their life.
For others, the results will take time: therapy to help emotionally and physically abused children; educational resources that help a struggling child learn more rapidly; psychiatric or medical consultations to get a proper diagnosis that puts a child on the right support path; and paying for beneficial braces that eventually deliver a beautiful smile.
We know the impact of our funding goes beyond helping the child. We relieve emotional and financial stress to the parent(s) and caregivers which in turn helps the teacher, employer, extended family members and friends because finally the child is getting the attention and help he or she needs and deserves.